The wefting of images sourced from windows weave together montaged walls that form the narratives of the glazings series.
In my photo lorca silhouetted leaves and branches cast their shadows on the green glass within six framed window boxes. Over these six images are the warp of six others of paper pulled taut and taped behind glass that reflect the cityscape. Intersecting with them are the vertical warp of corrugated panels upon which sit two seemingly underwater views into the city seen through a layer of bubbled amorphous patterns pressed against its surfaces. These four materials are all derived from windows and speak an architectural language that construct a wall of patterned image fabric.
“The window in photography was one of its earliest subjects. The window is linked to the mechanics of photography as it is the ‘opening’ or the ‘viewfinder’ through which images are seen and recorded in the camera. As such, a photograph of a window is a representation of how a camera sees, a ‘view of a view’. “
“The Window in Photographs” by Karen Hellman, P.7